Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Adults How To Enjoy Halloween

October 31st is one of the most cherished days of the year for anyone under the age of 10. However, as we get older and are subsequently banned from partaking in Halloween, people tend to get resentful and bitter around the end of October. Halloween becomes an exclusionary activity and all the wonderful memories of pillow cases stuffed with candy, smearing spirit gum on your upper lip and throwing toilet paper at the principal’s house are suppressed.

Though trick or treating may forever be a thing of the past, celebrating Halloween need not be. There are more than a few ways to celebrate as a fully formed adult and some are just as fun as amassing a month-long supply of candy.

Playing Dress Up

Costumes are fun. Even if you’re the grumpiest Scrooge in the world, throwing on a ridiculous fake moustache or wearing a crazy outfit will make you, or at least someone you know, laugh. Around Halloween there are countless opportunities to bring out your vampire cloak or nurse costume. Office parties, bar events, charity work and house parties will all encourage wearing a clown’s wig. It is very rare to be able to appear in public smeared with blood or with a hook for a hand these days, so you’ve got to seize the opportunity while it lasts.

If dancing to “Thriller” in an oversized and awkward costume hasn’t become an annual ritual for you yet, get it started this year. Costumes can be sexy, scary, funny or downright bizarre. Use Halloween as a chance to get creative and crazy. As a kid your Mom made your costume, now you have a job and disposable income, so the possibilities are endless.

Hit the Town

If playing dress up is really not your thing, that’s alright, but do not sit inside and sulk this Halloween. Hit the streets and enjoy the night. Bars and clubs and just about every other social arena in the city will have latched onto Halloween as a big money opportunity, pulling out all the stops. This means no matter where you go, you should be able to have a good time, even if you’re in street clothes.

If schmoozing isn’t your thing, then just go for a walk. Take in the decorated houses, smile as throngs of delighted children run past you to trick or treat, note the impressive costumes and remember your youth. Halloween is a celebratory night so go out and enjoy it.

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